Tuesday, June 30, 2009

hair. hair. hair.

what to do with my hair for the wedding. ugh.
i have medium length hair. that itself sets some limitations. i hate slicked back, barely there hair. i am all about the poof, the volume, and something different. i hate tight ringlets, and hundreds of rhinestones poking through strands of pulled back hair. basically, i don't want it to look like i spent an hour getting my hair done{even if it does take that long}.
I will be wearing a double layer blusher veil...just a little shorter. it measures around 18" in length, and i don't plan to wear it over my face!
Here are some ideas....let me know if you have any great up-do sources, or pictures. i will take any and all suggestions. :)

happy tuesday.

my vacation starts tomorrow. so much wedding stuff to do, i promise i will soon update on this last weekend!

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