wow. it's been months since i've been on here..i've missed this place.
however, life happened and time was lost in the shuffle-but i've loved every minute of this crazy ride.
since i've written last my whole life has changed. i married a wonderful man who makes
me smile every single day. we had a simple ceremony on a piece of land that we plan to build our home upon some day. our wedding was perfect, and included all the fun, quirky things that make my heart smile. it included the closest family and friends. school buses and lemonade, and of course my husband. that same man is not only a wonderful husband, but an incredible daddy.

that's right. a beautiful little girl joined our family on 11.20.11.
miss hatlee jade irish.
our world hasn't been the same since.
from the day i found out i was pregnant, to the moment we found out we were getting induced to have our baby, to the very second we saw her...it's been the most beautiful time.
I wouldn't have wanted anyone beside me other than my husband.
We spent our afternoons and evenings on the hammock this past summer discussing whether we thought it was a boy or a girl. We laid in bed longer to talk about how our life would change. No matter how much we planned or talked or dreamt-never in our life did we think it would be this magical.
Our baby was not due until the 29th of november, but i had been having back pain for weeks.
after nights of going to the ER and to additional doctor visits we were assuming it was just extra pressure on my back due to the size of the baby.
the early morning of november 18th changed a few things.
i left the bed i shared with my husband to come downstairs.
i wasn't feeling well, and due to my back i couldn't sleep.
shortly after, i got sick. flu sick. and if you think the flu is no fun on a regular day, try being 9 months pregnant. so painful.
i called my mom around 1:30 in the morning and her words were short and sweet.
"if you are throwing up, hang up the phone right now and call your doctor."
i did as i was told, and he advised me to go check into the hospital.
i woke tj up and away we went.
after and hour of being placed on the contraction monitor and getting fluids pumped back in me- i was doing fine.
i stood up and the moment i bent down to put my shoes on, i felt it coming.
i kindly looked at tj and said--"this isn't going to be good.."
I meant to finish by saying i needed a garbage, but i didn't have time.
back in bed and onto IV's i went. for two days.
finally after thinking it was a kidney infection and having antibiotics pumped into me for a day
they did blood work and realized it wasn't an infection...
then the ultrasound was ordered.
after doing so they discovered my bladder wasn't draining properly so my kidneys were sore.
and man were they sore. it takes a lot for me to realize pain, but this was it.
at about 5:30 saturday night while sitting around with tj, my mom, and my friend sam in my hospital bed, my phone rang.
my doctor, after reviewing ultrasound images, decided it was time to start the inducing process.
i hear my face was priceless. i looked at my husband. we would be leaving here with a baby.
my packed bags were still sitting at home.
my mind couldn't grasp it.
in two short hours he would be back to give the nurses the go ahead.
after i got off the phone tj hopped into my hospital bed with me and we shared some alone time.
we ate chocolate pudding and freaked out over the fact that this was really happening.
we were ready for our baby, but in that moment, it was surreal.
we laid there for a half an hour and it was in this moment we picked a girls name.
we had narrowed down boys names, but we hadn't agreed on a girl.
i'm going to admit this right now. our daughter is named after a name i read on a livestock trailer.
Hatley Livestock.
I remember the exact moment tj and i were pulling out of a gas station and the truck drove by us. I said the name out loud, but never mentioned anything about it being a neat name.
until the night before we were going to meet this baby.
tj liked it.
we decided we'd change the spelling to reflect his brother, denim lee irish..
and jade is my middle name.
so hatlee jade it was for a girl.
and breckin james it was for a boy.
tj decided to head home to grab my bags and to shower, and my mom came back into the room so i had a moment of mom and daughter time..
i needed that.
she's always been there when i needed her most, and having a baby is one of those "most" moments...
what happened when tj left was the start of our baby process, i will pick back up with part two soon. ...