Thursday, July 29, 2010

Minute by minute.

I'd really like the summer of 2010 to start over, because I'm finally starting to enjoy it.
My days and minutes have been cramped full down to the second, and time seems to be flying by.
I've spent that time doing many, many things.. making wonderful memories, and learning life lessons along the way.


Traveled to Alaska, and had the time of my life with my wonderful family.
Made a pitstop to see Edward Cullen along the way in Forks, Washington.
Took pictures for lots of incredible, {and cute} clients.
Fell in love with my job all over again.
{Especially with the great conversation and company that comes from an hour of cleaning teeth}
Turned 23 and bought my very own house.
...and I faced heartbreak unlike any other.
wow. that may have been the first time i've been able to type that out. such a hard thing to say.

Out of all that this summer has had in store for me, I am happy.
I am alive.
I'm surrounded by wonderful co-workers, family, and friends who have helped me out far more than they can ever imagine.
I'm putting my feet back on the ground slowly, and I am starting to have fun with life all over again.

It's fun to find yourself after months of not knowing who you were anymore.

And as scary and hard as it was, I'm not giving up on love.
And I never will.
Never. Ever.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


this year i want to smile more.
kiss with more passion.
write letters to those who mean the most.
surprise someone--and myself sometimes too.
make the most of every situation.
find something that makes me happy, and put more of it into my life.
listen better.
conquer my fears.
laugh until i have tears in my eyes.
take time for friends, and myself.
say what i really feel.
meet you.
grow up. or down. whatever i feel like that day.
enjoy everything in this life. good. bad. everything.

this is going to be a great year.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

She's got a little bit of something....

Thank God it's better than nothing.

Sometimes an old song makes me feel better than I ever thought a song could.
thank you the coffee house on xm radio. you save me some days.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I'm home!
Alaska and Washington were wonderful.
I loved every minute of being with my family.
I also just fell in love with this.
Sorry, I'm almost over my obsession with this.
It's just to heartwarming for it's own good...

Sunday, July 4, 2010


If you read my blog a week back, you understand my love for soldiers.
For everything they stand for, everything they do for me, and that I LOVE seeing them in airports--especially watching them return to those who love them, and have missed them.
So, for my 4th of July blog, I want you to head over to Rachel's blog and to read
emotional welcome back story.
I was in tears when I read it.
Can you just feel the emotions behind it?
Ahh, so happy for you guys Rachel, and thank you for letting me share your story!

Happy 4th of July!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

away we go.

The time is here to head out of town... forget about some of the sadness around me, and to enjoy my family and take in the sights of Seattle, Forks, and Alaska.

Hoping you all have a wonderful couple of weeks!