Saturday, May 22, 2010

Notebook moment wanted.

It's Saturday.

I'm spending my evening watching TV and lounging in front of the computer.

After a crazy couple of weeks, it's actually much needed.
It's Graduation weekend here in town.
As I see them preparing for the big day I can't help but think that I graduated high school 5 years ago.
5 years ago I was 17 and fearless.
5 years ago today I lived for moments of laughter with friends.
5 years ago I was giddy in love with a high school boy.
5 years ago I had my whole life to dream and to plan.
High school was tough.
I had ups and downs, just like the rest of you.
I had best friends, that sadly I haven't seen in years.
I had wonderful teachers watching out for me, and I was carefree.
Then I went to college and met my best friends.
I learned and grew, as a dental hygienist and as a person.
I stayed true to who I was and fell in love.
Today I am a dental hygienist.
I love the person I am, although I learn more about the person I want to be each day.
I realized people I never expected to make me happy, make me the happiest.
I yearn to remain best friends with my college friends, and to be the best sister around.
I strive to surround myself with what makes me happy, and to never settle for anything less than everything.
So I guess whether you are 17, 20, or 23--we will always be growing into that person we want to become.
That person we say we are going to be at 30 will probably be facing the same issues we did in high school.
We will long for a life filled with moments that bring happiness..
and we will always live for love.

With are few things that have been on my mind lately...
Your Body is a Wonderland-Sexiest lyrics ever. John Mayer-you get me everytime. You win.
Very few things beat driving around on dirt roads with friends. Especially if everyone is singing loudly to wonderful music.
Summer, thank you for FINALLY showing up. I was waiting.
Brade, I am still SOOOO excited for you.
I'm slowly falling in love with this cowboy town. Yes, even the smell.
I saw Chuck Wicks in a bar while downtown with my cousin. He said I had a kick-ass camera.
He was pretty kick-ass himself.
I cannot wait for my mom and brother to come here this week. Pretty much counting down.
Everyone should have a friend who sings to them loudly through the phone when they are having a bad day.
Problems solved.
I want a Notebook moment.
Noah-I'll be waiting in the upstairs on my crappy apartment.
You can show up in your canoe anytime.

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