Saturday, May 1, 2010


Remember that day I...

-drove two hours to Billings
-waited two hours and spent $ 500 to get a roof rack placed on my vehicle
-went to Scheel's to get my two brand new Kayak's placed on top of my brand new kayak carrier
-hit the interstate back towards Mile City
-saw something fly off the back off the top of my vehicle, only to find out that brand new roof rack and kayak carrier had just decided to split in half
-had some nice guy come take those pretty little kayaks back into Billings because I had no way of getting them back home.
-left Billings $1000 dollars poorer with a dent and some scratches on the roof on my vehicle from that brand new roof rack.

that was yesterday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! That is a horrible day! I am soooo sorry! Praying your weekend gets better! :)