Sunday, November 21, 2010

Snow Falls..

This week I watched the snow fall and realized I loved lazy Saturday mornings spent watching hours of Dexter with you. I realized I loved sipping hot chocolate while sitting at the computer watching ridiculous videos. I realized I loved your grin, and I hope that if I'm with you in years to come that I never forget how incredible seeing that smile makes me feel. I realized I loved your jokes, and your caring ways. I realized I loved spending hours just sitting around the house talking, and how each story you tell intrigues me more and more. I realized I love your hands, and the way they rub my back out of habit every time we sit down together. I realized I loved your laugh, and the way it fills up a room.
I realized I loved the way you effortlessly fit in to my life.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that this week I watched the snow fall and I realized that I have absolutely, no doubt about it...
fallen in love with you.
scary? yes.
wonderful? definitely yes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does your blog have a LIKE button?!!