Sunday, October 4, 2009

Love {Rachel}

Sometimes life is busy.
That's when little acts of love can be the most important.
So, here is Rachel--from Confessions of a Jersey Girl, to fill us in how she and her boyfriend Matt keep things fun and special.
Some great advice from a girl with a great blog.

"My boyfriend, Matt, is a police officer. He works 12 hour shifts and our days off only meet up once every two weeks. We try our best to make the most of our time together, so we're big believers in mini "staycations" where we are basically tourists in our own town for a day. Living in a beach vacation town, we sort of forget to appreciate all that we're surrounded by so it's nice to take a day and go into little shops and attractions that we overlook most other days. It's inexpensive and so much fun!
Something that helps keep us strong as a couple is that every morning when he comes in from work or every night when we go to sleep together, we just lay together and talk. Only for maybe 15 minutes or so and usually about anything... but even now, it's my favorite time ever spent with him... I can't wait to wake up and just talk to him. We also leave little post-its around the house with little messages on them. It never fails to bring a smile to our faces."

Thank you Rachel for taking the time and for stepping up to the dare.
I think we all could benefit from taking a little "staycation."
You never know what you will learn about your city-and each other.
So go ahead, try it. We Dare you.

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