Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I had the best day with you..


Such a wonderful week
Thank you God for the wonderful family I was born into. I absolutely love every little thing about them. And yesterday was no exception. It was a regular Tuesday at the dental office I work for. I headed home for lunch at noon, and when I returned at 1 I realized that all 3 of afternoon cleaning patients had canceled. UGHhh, I thought. I was trying to brainstorm who I could call to come in and fill my openings, or what I could do to make my afternoon go faster. Just when I headed up front, I noticed 3 good looking boys that looked rather familiar to me, trying to hide behind magazines. MY BROTHERS, and their friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!! They had just driven 3 hours to Montana to suprise their sister!
Right then, I turned around and noticed the whole dental staff looking at me, including the wonderful doctor that I work for!! They were all in on it! It had been planned for weeks that they would be coming in for cleanings, and that it would be a suprise. They did wonderful. I immediately got tears in my eyes, one, because I love any chance I get to see my brothers, two, because I truely work with great people. I had the best afternoon at work, ever. It was wonderful. I can't thank them enough---Suprises rock my world. :)

On more happy news----HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY to my wonderful parents. Like I said, I have a WONDEFUL FAMILY~in fact, my mom helped plan the dental suprise. My parent's love is so, so special, and they are such great parents. I miss them everyday, and was sad I didn't get to see them on their big day. But, they were off celebrating, so having my brothers with me on their big day made my day. I'm sure my parents were thinking how special it is that everyone was together in their own way yesterday.

So happy love days. Happy suprise days.
Just happy days to you...I can only hope you are having a wonderful week like me!

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