Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dear Santa,

Jace and I have been very, very good this year.
We were very kind.
We wrote lots of thank-you notes when people did generous things.
We donated our time to little children who needed it.
We got some good Christmas gifts for our friends and families.
We turned our lights off when we weren't using them. {yes, jace is the best at this}
We said our please and thank-you's all year.
We suprised some people-it was a good surprise, we swear.
We recycled our plastic bags. {jace makes me}
We didn't spread any diseases like the swine flu.
We kissed alot.
We fought a little, but made up. {jace makes me make up. sometimes i want to be mad longer}
We donated clothes to the thrift store. {jace wouldn't let me throw them away.}
We tell those that mean the most that we love them often.
So, since we were good, {or at least Jace was}...all we ask for is...
a super cute new apartment.
Preferable in a city where we can go to barnes and noble for dates late at night.
or where we can walk down the street and just be inspired by the diversity.
or head out and see John Mayer perform less than an hour away.
or shop at something more than a Walmart.
Is that too much to ask?
We promise we'll say thank you.

If it comes with a beautiful bathroom, dining room, and wonderful suitcase end-tables we will love you even more.

We will even provide the suitcases if you need them.
We love you Santa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute cute! Would love for my house to look like this also, Santa!