Monday, November 30, 2009


my husband looked for an onion with less peeling/skin on it at the grocery store, because it would probably be cheaper.
he is silly.
i love him anyways.

hoping you had a great thanksgiving.
mine was perfect. i was surrounded by my family and jace.
right where i like to be!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Love {Naomi}

It's Thanksgiving!!!
I get to spend it with my wonderful family, and i have lot's to be thankful for this year.

Along with family, friends, my husband, and every other little thing on my thankful list-

I am incredibly thankful for this lady.

Her name is Naomi.

I hope you've already have had the pleasure of getting to know her through her amazing blog.
If not-you are missing out.

I am thankful for her because no matter what day of the week, or time of day, seeing that she has a new blog post makes my day a little better.

She's so admirable and gorgeous.

She's fun, and quirky.
And she's married to a boy named Josh.
They are hands down one of the cutest couples around..
and they make love look so fun..
so of course I'm thankful for them.
-Thankful that they show us through amazing pictures, and wonderful blog posts just how enjoyable love can be.
So, who better to get a little love advice from?
Here is what Naomi and Josh do to keep love exciting, and fun.
The way it should be.

"Something Josh and I love doing is going on what we call "little dates." These are usually inexpensive outings where the two of us get to be together and spend some quality time outside of our home. Past "little dates" have included a little trip to the children's section of the book store, or heading to ToysRUs store to ride the ferris wheel, or even just a stroll down to McDonald's to grab 99 cent ice-cream cones. Our favorite memories together so far have been those that aren't too elaborate or fancy....but are simple and sweet."

photo's via rockstar diaries.

Thank you Naomi for taking the time to share your love dare with us. Such a wonderful idea.

And it truely is the little things that make love as wonderful as it is.

It's the little stories about what fellow couples do to keep love fun and special; that inspire all of us to take the time for each other and remind us that it's the little things in life that mean the most.

So, we dare you.

Head down to your local toystore, and share some giggles.

Or share a coffee while paging through novels at your local book store..whatever it takes to keep love fun.

After you do that--hop on over to Rockstar Diaries. I can only imagine after ready a few posts from Naomi that you will be thankful for her too. So inspiring.

Our Dare.

I recieved an email, {after i wrote my thankful post} from a fellow blogger wondering what our love dare was, and why i was thankful for it.
so, let's back up a little.
you see, in this day and age, money is a little tighter than usual.
flights are more expensive. gas is crazy.
and going out on a date isn't easy on the pocketbook...
but love still needs to be fun.
and romantic.
and goofy.
and exciting.
and fun.
Pure fun.
We dared everyone to join in.
Share with us your tips. thoughts. and ideas on...
fun date ideas.
silly daily rituals.
loving moments.
and what you do to keep your love fun..
because we all know we can learn from each other.

Monday, November 23, 2009


It's Thanksgiving week.
So I only thought it was appropriate to inform you of a few things I am thankful for this year.
I am thankful for..

a husband who splits best friend duties with my mom.
he's understanding and know's how special she is to me.

getting to go to my hometown often.
and when i do, seeing signs in my parents windows cheering on my little brother and his football team. just looking at that sign makes me happy and proud.

colored tights. simplest way to add a little fun to your day.

men who hold doors for woman. so polite.

a husband who admits he might have a thing for alice cullen.
that doesn't make me feel so bad for having dirty thoughts about a 17 year old werewolf.
or alice's brother for that matter.

my dad and youngest brother becoming best friends.
there is no doubt they have fun together. and that mac looks up to his dad.
just like all of us do. they just have a special bond. so evident.

frozen yogurt. in all flavors.
i'm also thankful jace doesn't like it much. more for me.

getting magazines in the mail. or any mail.
my day gets better when i open that little box and see fun things in there.

friends. i have the best ones.

having an amazing wedding-and the great weather and company that accompanied us that day.

strangers who smile at me.

a brother who go dress shopping for me with his girlfriend.
i'm sure he wanted to kill me. but hasn't i guess i'm also thankful for my life.

for creative music. so many little things make my day better, but a unique song puts it all into perspective.

being healthy.

a camera that captured many wonderful memories this year.

people who help me surprise other people.

amazing fall weather. this way, i don't have to feel bad that i don't share the garage with my husband. it always makes me sad that he has to scrape his windows and i don't.

lazy days with jace.

in-n-out burger. however, i'm not thankful for the extra pounds i've been acquiring.

old pictures. nothing cheers up a moment more than a funny picture from the 90's. priceless.

netflix online. we can't wait to start watching the office.
from season 1. yikes..we've got along way to go.

a husband that takes out the trash so i don't ever have to do it. or rarely ever.
that might be my least favorite job.

my wonderful family. they are my friends. my support system. and so special.
it's amazing how proud i am of my little brothers. they are too cool.
and too caring. and so special.

the 25 years my parents have been married. i've only been around for 22 years of it-but it's a wonderful thing. they are great. and it's cute that my mom still waits for my dad's kisses when he gets home.

the internet. i would be lost without blogs. and photos. and facebook. and emails.

my brothers girlfriends. because they make both of them happy.
and that makes me happy.

being married to jace. and i'm thankful for every part of him.

laughter. it's the best medicine and always will be.

love dares, and all the fun little tips i've learned along the way.

kind people. i wish there were more of them in the world.

little brother's who host thanksgiving. at 19. insane, maybe.

my life. thank you, thank you, thank you everyone. you make it wonderful, and happy, and magical, and special all at the same time.
thank you mom, and dad, and brade and mccahen, and hannah, and miranda, and liz, and grandma, and grandpa, and aunts, and uncles, and everyone else.
and jace. especially jace.
i love you.

what are you thankful for this year??

Friday, November 20, 2009

Late night made perfect.

even though most nights we fall asleep fairly early, and aren't much into the party seen-- tonight i did stay up late to see this movie. and i'm so glad i did.
I even begged husband to tag along-and i secretly think he loved it.
In fact, I think most people did.
The theater burst into cheers when it was time to start New Moon.
and they got even louder when they saw Edward and Jacob's shirts come off.

I laughed at them, but was of course cheering on the inside.

I am not going to ruin this movie for anyone.
because i know lots of people who haven't gotten to watch it yet.
but i loved it.
it was comical.
non-believable at moments,
and yes, the book is still lots better-
yet, i wasn't let down.
in fact. i may have turned onto team jacob.
but, maybe not. it's late. i might just be sleepy.
tomorrow i'll probably be team edward again.
actually, i'll take either of them.

Ok, I am ready for Eclipse {and bed} right now. Especially with an ending like that.
So very exciting Ms. Bella. You are lucky.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

can't wait.

I've got a date at midnight with this guy.
his name is edward and yes, he's handsome.
can't stinkin' wait.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A little bit random...!

First of all, i hope your week is treating you well!
mine is-it's just busy like usual.
most of you know i am a full-time dental hygienist.
what you might not know-is that i'm kinda a photographer as well.
so, editing photo's is taking up my nights.
but alot of times i am selfish too.
i like to spend the FEW nights i get with my husband-with him.
cuddling. kissing. cooking. laughing.
it's all too fun to pass up.
so if i'm not cleaning teeth or laughing with husband-i'm sitting right here at my computer editing lots, and lots of photos.

So-i don't get to blog as much as i'd like..
i've got wedding recaps coming yet, our honeymoon pictures..
and some of my favorite people/bloggers love dares to come.
get ready.
however..these are a few things crossing my mind right now.

how stinking cute is zooey. i stinkin adore her quirky personality.
and her hair and clothing in these pictures is so dreamy. if i could look like anyone...she
might just be on the top of my list.

photo's here.
If i re-did my wedding, {which i'd never do, because i loved, loved, loved, how mine turned out}
i might do grey and yellow. or grey and soft pink. or just grey. might just be my new favorite wedding color...but that changes often.

On my favorite crafty/decorating blog i saw this chair. or chairs.
this would be perfect for jace and i. me for sure.
because no matter where we are sitting, i can't get my legs on him, or over him fast enough.
and with regular chairs, it's prevents me from sliding over and doing so..
so with these chairs, i found a solution,
i can cuddle up as much as i can, or as much as he allows.
sometimes i think i hover. but usually he just lets me.
that's another reason i love my husband.
and i think he's wonderful.

that was a really random post. oh well.
hoping your week is wonderful~

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Love {Jenny}

The next lady to step up to the {Love Dare} was Jenny.
I have fallen completely in love with her blog, and all the fun craft ideas.
It is because of her and her cute decorating ideas that I cannot wait to get a house and add our own touch. She has such great taste.
Not only does she inspire me with her creativity, this little email i received from her gave me great insight that it really is the little things that make life and love great..
Here is Jenny {isn't she a doll?}

"My husband, Wade, and I have been married since July 5, 2008, but we've been together for 7 years. He works two jobs, and I work one very busy one, so it's hard for us to find time to spend together by ourselves! One thing that we do that keeps our love fun is to wrestle!
Now, you may think that sounds crazy, but I'm telling you...I can come home and be in an ill mood, and Wade will grab me and before you know it we're brawling...then I'll get mad, and then I'll start laughing, and then we'll both be laughing and I won't even remember what I was mad about!
We also like to Wii bowl. We're both very competitive, so we'll make a bet on different things. Sometimes I end up packing his lunch for work the next day, and sometimes he'll end up bathing Dex (our Westie), but we love it! We like to include a nice cookie baking session with this activity. :)

Speaking of cooking, we have designated Thursday nights as our "new recipe nights." We alternate picking new recipes, and then cook them together! Or, if it's a FAIL, we just head out to eat instead!
One last thing we do is go grab some ice cream and go riding around with the windows down and the sunroof open. I'll show him where I lived when I was younger and tell him stories, and vice versa. We always wind up finding out something new about each other!"

Jenny and her husband Wade.

So, there it is. It is the little things like wrestling, and laughter that make life fun.
Never stop laughing with each other.
That's so important. And so is to never stop learning about each other.
I love when something triggers Jace to share a story with me that he hadn't before.
It makes me fall in love with every part of him all over.
Thank you Jenny!
Those are wonderful ways to keep love fun
-the way it should be.

over it.

here is just a short story for you.
it's pretty simple now that i think about it.
Basically, we aren't going to get along with everyone in this world.
So, it's ok if you don't like me., la, la...ha ha ha.
... with that-happy saturday.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i've got a little can of paint..

chalkboard paint to be exact.
...But i don't think it will be enough.
i've got all sorts of fun ideas.
now i just have to wait for a house.
hopefully it won't expire.
check out these fun ideas.
thank you google for letting me look at these fun pictures for hours..
I love the fridge idea..can't afford a new one? jazz up the old one!
or...spruce up a wall. i love the change of color!

how sweet is this nursery? especially with that extra special chest in the lower left.

my macbook thanks. but it looks when they do it to someone else's!

such neat decoration ideas.

maybe one of my favorites. a chalk globe.

or maybe it's this one. a little piece of unique art for the wall.
and you can change it up everyday if you'd like.
so--i think i will need to buy some more paint.
because i am in love with all of these.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


...this past weekend while out shopping with my mom it hit me.
With all the cute clothes, cribs, and everything else adorable....
I absolutely cannot wait for babies.
However, I will.
Because as much as I love them, I love time alone with my husband too.
And we are selfish right now.
We love traveling, and late nights with loud movies.
But someday, we will be ready, and J will make a great daddy.
and when we are ready, I can only hope making them is this fun...:)

Thank you Brooke~ ---and Cassidy Curtis for making baby making look like so much fun!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

things learned.

over the past 11 days away i've learned that there are many things in life that make me happy.

flying in airplanes with my husband.

fashion in la. nobody cares what's in right now. they wear what they want, and everyone seems to rock their individual outfit.

warm weather. like 90 degree weather. in the fall. i miss it already.

cruise ship food. i may have eaten waaaayy too much, but jace still loves me.

the way jace places his warm cheeks against mine in the dark to help me fall asleep.
the sound of him breathing that close to me is bliss.

in-n-out burger. we just may have eaten their two nights in a row. guilty.

celebrities. reading about them, and hearing about them is a pleasure of mine. sad-maybe. but normal. especially those two little taylor's. so cute together. so perfect.

seeing the staples center packed with lakers fans.

watching my husband takes his first step into the ocean.

riding the metro in downtown la. so much diversity.

hearing songs i love blaring from trendy shops along the boardwalk.

the mexican rain forest.

hearing my families voices after 7 days without them.

getting to kiss my husband just because it's 10:56

wearing new dresses.


Pinkberry Yogurt. With pomegranate seeds on top.

WB studios behind the scenes tour.

Having lots of mail after returning home.

Texts and emails from friends I've missed.

Sleeping in our own bed.

Honeymoons, and my husband.

AND...seeing this hottie below at the Lakers game. So exciting.

hoping you've found many things this week that made

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


..internet and blogs how i've missed you.
but-i'm back!
We had a wonderful time and I can't wait to get back into the swing of things and update you with all the fun we had!
Hoping you all had a great Halloween!!! :)