Monday, November 23, 2009


It's Thanksgiving week.
So I only thought it was appropriate to inform you of a few things I am thankful for this year.
I am thankful for..

a husband who splits best friend duties with my mom.
he's understanding and know's how special she is to me.

getting to go to my hometown often.
and when i do, seeing signs in my parents windows cheering on my little brother and his football team. just looking at that sign makes me happy and proud.

colored tights. simplest way to add a little fun to your day.

men who hold doors for woman. so polite.

a husband who admits he might have a thing for alice cullen.
that doesn't make me feel so bad for having dirty thoughts about a 17 year old werewolf.
or alice's brother for that matter.

my dad and youngest brother becoming best friends.
there is no doubt they have fun together. and that mac looks up to his dad.
just like all of us do. they just have a special bond. so evident.

frozen yogurt. in all flavors.
i'm also thankful jace doesn't like it much. more for me.

getting magazines in the mail. or any mail.
my day gets better when i open that little box and see fun things in there.

friends. i have the best ones.

having an amazing wedding-and the great weather and company that accompanied us that day.

strangers who smile at me.

a brother who go dress shopping for me with his girlfriend.
i'm sure he wanted to kill me. but hasn't i guess i'm also thankful for my life.

for creative music. so many little things make my day better, but a unique song puts it all into perspective.

being healthy.

a camera that captured many wonderful memories this year.

people who help me surprise other people.

amazing fall weather. this way, i don't have to feel bad that i don't share the garage with my husband. it always makes me sad that he has to scrape his windows and i don't.

lazy days with jace.

in-n-out burger. however, i'm not thankful for the extra pounds i've been acquiring.

old pictures. nothing cheers up a moment more than a funny picture from the 90's. priceless.

netflix online. we can't wait to start watching the office.
from season 1. yikes..we've got along way to go.

a husband that takes out the trash so i don't ever have to do it. or rarely ever.
that might be my least favorite job.

my wonderful family. they are my friends. my support system. and so special.
it's amazing how proud i am of my little brothers. they are too cool.
and too caring. and so special.

the 25 years my parents have been married. i've only been around for 22 years of it-but it's a wonderful thing. they are great. and it's cute that my mom still waits for my dad's kisses when he gets home.

the internet. i would be lost without blogs. and photos. and facebook. and emails.

my brothers girlfriends. because they make both of them happy.
and that makes me happy.

being married to jace. and i'm thankful for every part of him.

laughter. it's the best medicine and always will be.

love dares, and all the fun little tips i've learned along the way.

kind people. i wish there were more of them in the world.

little brother's who host thanksgiving. at 19. insane, maybe.

my life. thank you, thank you, thank you everyone. you make it wonderful, and happy, and magical, and special all at the same time.
thank you mom, and dad, and brade and mccahen, and hannah, and miranda, and liz, and grandma, and grandpa, and aunts, and uncles, and everyone else.
and jace. especially jace.
i love you.

what are you thankful for this year??

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