Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A little bit random...!

First of all, i hope your week is treating you well!
mine is-it's just busy like usual.
most of you know i am a full-time dental hygienist.
what you might not know-is that i'm kinda a photographer as well.
so, editing photo's is taking up my nights.
but alot of times i am selfish too.
i like to spend the FEW nights i get with my husband-with him.
cuddling. kissing. cooking. laughing.
it's all too fun to pass up.
so if i'm not cleaning teeth or laughing with husband-i'm sitting right here at my computer editing lots, and lots of photos.

So-i don't get to blog as much as i'd like..
i've got wedding recaps coming yet, our honeymoon pictures..
and some of my favorite people/bloggers love dares to come.
get ready.
however..these are a few things crossing my mind right now.

how stinking cute is zooey. i stinkin adore her quirky personality.
and her hair and clothing in these pictures is so dreamy. if i could look like anyone...she
might just be on the top of my list.

photo's here.
If i re-did my wedding, {which i'd never do, because i loved, loved, loved, how mine turned out}
i might do grey and yellow. or grey and soft pink. or just grey. might just be my new favorite wedding color...but that changes often.

On my favorite crafty/decorating blog i saw this chair. or chairs.
this would be perfect for jace and i. me for sure.
because no matter where we are sitting, i can't get my legs on him, or over him fast enough.
and with regular chairs, it's prevents me from sliding over and doing so..
so with these chairs, i found a solution,
i can cuddle up as much as i can, or as much as he allows.
sometimes i think i hover. but usually he just lets me.
that's another reason i love my husband.
and i think he's wonderful.

that was a really random post. oh well.
hoping your week is wonderful~


Summer Athena said...

Such a cute post. I love the chair and those dresses! Grey and Yellow. YUM!

Anonymous said...

love the dresses! i think you and i have similar tastes!