Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maybe. Just maybe.

Maybe one day I will...
-I will admit my love for EVERYTHING involving balloons. I am currently counting down the days until I can do a photo shoot outdoors with balloons.
-I will get a tattoo on my wrist. Expect I have wrinkly wrists. So who knows.
-I will quit trying so hard to help people who don't appreciate it.
-I will find a hairstyle I absolutely love. I want to cut my hair one day, the next day I don't.
-I will get a perfect day to capture perfect memories with my camera.
-I will start working out. Let's try for next Monday with my friend Rebecca. We can do it...!
-I will pack up my car and drag Jace down the road for a unexpected trip.
-I will dig to the back of my closet and come up with some new outfits.
-I will order film for my new cameras. I love cameras.
-I will find skincare products that I can count on. Being 22 with zits isn't cool. My face must think it's boring without them somedays.
-I will actually download my favorite songs on I-tunes instead of just preview them for hours and hours.
-I will send my brothers cards in the mail. They love mail.
-I will buy and old house. And make it the coolest old house ever.
-I will actually buy the camera equipment I want instead of just staring at it in my on-line shopping cart.
-I will stop jamming so aggressively to the tunes in my car on the way to work. Maybe if I stop doing this, I will stop getting weird looks from strangers.
-I will learn to completely understand my Mac computer. She's a little confusing.
-I will wear more jewelry.

Ok, so these are things I'd love to do.
And maybe I will. Just maybe.
Happy Tuesday!

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