Monday, January 18, 2010


I'm alive and well, although looking at my blog you might think otherwise.
I've left it pretty lonely lately!
I had a wonderful weekend filled with lots of food, laughter and kisses from my nephew.
Friday morning Jace had his big evaluation for his college fina,l and he passed with flying colors, so I was a super proud wife.
Saturday Jace's parents, grandparents and nephew arrived so we spent the night playing host and hostess.
It was pretty fun to be on that end of the deal, expect by Sunday we were ready for naps!
Keeping everyone entertained it busy work~!
Sunday evening Jace and I nuzzled up at the local theater to catch the film "It's Complicated"...
Very clever, and anything involving John Krasinski is wonderful in my book.
He's too lovable.
Today was back to work, and an evening of loving it up with Jace.
I adore these nights with him..
We laid down and watched the new show on the CW network--
Life Unexpected
I loved it.
Every stinkin' moment.
And the soundtrack is phenomenal!

Did you watch it?
Did you love it as much as we did...?

I'll be back with more pictures and news from the past few weeks soon!
I've been lazy lately!
Happy Tuesday!

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