I've run out of Office episodes to watch, so while waiting for Season 6 to pop up on Netflix or anywhere else we can get our hands on it, we've started watching a new series.
And while I am completely against drug use or making money from anything related to drugs,
I find myself loving this series.
The mom, Nancy, is a widowed mother to two boys and resorts to selling weed to keep her family afloat.
It's quirky, lovable, and pretty darn good.
Most importantly, I love starting new episodes just so I can hear
lovely little song.
I love the words, the voice, and for once I like the original better than Regina Spektor's version.
And how true, everyone lives in little houses, in many different towns-
and sadly most people all want the same thing.
Money, Popularity, and Fancy Things.
Somedays I sit back and think about how sad that is.
Not to say I wouldn't like more money, but I wish people in this world-
especially kids,
were given a fair chance.
A chance to be themselves and not get criticized or made fun of.
I wish people weren't afraid to take risks to do things that really make them happy.
In the end, its you and the people surround yourself with that make your life what is is.
Not money. Or popularity. Or nice things.
So, be happy.
Be you.
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