Isn't that the hardest part of life...
The whole growing and being ready part?
Never in my life did I think that was true. I thought I needed somebody to help me grow. Somebody to grow with. Now more than ever do I realize that you need to be comfortable and happy with you first. You need to figure out what is going to make you smile, and what is going to hurt your feelings. You need to figure what makes your world happy, instead of relying on what makes others happy. Once you are the best you possible- I think thats the time you will find pure happiness in others.
You won't want to waste your time with someone you aren't quite sure about.
You will be at that point in your life where you know you can be happy on your own, and it's at that moment, in the complete calmness of finally enjoying who you are that you might just meet somebody that is exactly what you are looking for.
For me it's somebody who will walk right on into my house without knocking.
Someone who finds fun in hanging up pictures on the wall.
A guy who feels bad if you don't talk that night.
Somebody who at the hint of a smile can make my day.
..a guy who rinses his dishes off in the sink.
......someone who helps me look for the remote after i've lost it for the 5th time that evening.
... somebody who makes me feel comfortable asking him the most uncomfortable questions.
..someone who i cannot wait to kiss each moment i see him.
..somebody who respects this world and the people in it.
...somebody who makes a road trip more fun, rather than awkward.
...somebody who lives in the moment and is up for anything.
..somebody who enjoys doing nothing.
...and somebody who can make me smile. For real.
So, make sure you are truly happy with yourself before you rely on somebody else to put happiness into your world.
It's a lot easier that way.
Because if nothing else, what is there to lose?
If you were happy with just being you, life will be good either way.