Thursday, March 11, 2010

Say Cheese.

I'm going to fall in love this weekend..with my camera.
I have a couple shoots lined up, and just might venture out by myself to see what I come up with.
I'm also taking a little road trip with my momma, meeting up with friends, and loving on my family.
What a wonderful weekend.

Jace and I started it off this morning laying in bed watching Up in the Air.
That Anna Kendrick is a powerful little thing.
She brought a whole new element to the film.

Speaking of films, is it just me or are there NUMEROUS good looking films coming to screens soon?
I am waiting on The Last Song, Remember Me, and Bounty Hunter to name a few..
Looks like I will be spending March and April in a movie theater!
I love me some good movies!

1 comment:

Linnea Fitterer said...

I want to see all of those movies too!